Kamis, 08 November 2012

Grand (Sianok) Canyon In Bukittinggi

In Indonesia, we can find the beautiful Canyon. The Canyon same like “Grand Canyon”, who located Colorado River, North America. Ngarai Sianok, yeah the local peolpe in this town called it. Ngarai sianok has position in IV koto, Kabupaten Agam, Bukittinggi City.

Just on the outskirts of the hill town of Bukittinggi in the Minangkabau highlands, lies this breathtaking canyon which the locals call Ngarai Sianok, or the Sianok Canyon. Its panorama is particularly beautiful in the early morning light when the first rays of the sun pierce through the mist covering this deep valley that has majestic Mount Singgalang looming at its background.
About the history, Ngarai Sianok formed due movement up and down millons years ago, is now be the green edge andmost beautiful river.

Ngarai Sianok, has a magnificient strech of step valley up to 15 km. Width with a deep 200 km until 100 meters cliff.

Sianok Canyon, also called by “The DreamLand Of Sumatera” because has a nice view and fresh air.
The beauty of Sianok can be seen from Panorama Park in Bukittinggi or you can also walk down into the gorge, where are a settlement and paddy fields. Then crossing a bridge over the river, climb up to Kota Gadang, home of silversmiths who produce the finest filigree ornaments.
To enjoy the scenery from the Park, visitors pay an entrance fee of Rp 3.000 per person. Along with admiring the beauty of Sianok, visitors can also visit a Japanese bunker, built during World War II, located at the base of the canyon.

Ngarai Sianok is arguably the most beautiful scenery among West Sumatra’s many scenic sites, to be enjoyed particularly at sunrise or sunset.
Bukittinggi and the Ngarai Sianok Canyon are some of the highlights of the annual Tour de Singkarak race, which takes on some of West Sumatra’s most spectacular scenic sites.
If you visited this place, you can feel so calm, enjoy and happy with this view :) So, let’s go to Bukittinggi.

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